Care Groups

Babies: 3-12 months                                           Ratio: 1:3


In my baby room I get lots of nurturing, cuddles, giggles and fun! I am encouraged to roll, crawl, climb (safely!!!) under the caring eye of my special baby minder.

Myself and my two pals have a special daily diary showing all the important moments of our day, including sleeps and eats.

At songtime we join our slightly older wobbly friends and learn to wiggle and clap.

If the weather is nice outside, we get to play in the garden, and enjoy the fresh air.




Wobblers: 1-2yr olds                                           Ratio: 1:5


In no time at all us babies graduate to the wobbly status! Our minder encourages physical development and learning to walk and talk. We climb about and explore our new world (we’re very curious creatures at this age!!!)


However, to graduate from baby to wobbler status my minder has a chat with my parents to assess if I am ready for the new challenge.


Cuddles, fun, songs, garden play fill our days and we have a much needed nap when we need it (and our eyes grow really heavy!!)




Toddlers/Pre-Montessori: 2-3 yr olds                 Ratio: 1:6


|Walking, talking and using my own spoon. |Wow! Look at me now. I am learning to put on my shoes and coat for the garden.

I am very busy with my arts and crafts and I love to bake simple things like scones and muffins, which I can eat for my snack.

My minders help me to develop my language through jigsaws, flash cards, dressing-up, circle time and learning about the world. I also love to chat with my friends.

My creche also help me get rid of my soggy nappies and become more independent with my grown up pants!

I still love my cuddles and I can sleep if I need to (in a big bed of course)!




Montessori: 3-Junior School                              Ratio: 1:10



The BIG promotion! Having learnt so much I am now ready for more intricate exploration. The practical life exercises will help develop my skills for writing, reading, language and learning about the world.

During the three hour morning cycle I can choose which exercises I work with and grow at my own pace.

We have a weekly learning theme in the classroom and I love bringing in relevant things for our homework table. I can show my friends and share my homework with everyone at circle time.

By now I am clever enough to use the bathroom by myself (I wash my hands too!!!). I can also use my own fork at dinnertime.

Some afternoons we do different activities like yoga or baking, and sometimes I just chat with my friends, playing dress-up, play dough or other fun things that I can choose from.


The grown ups are happy because at the beginning of the school year my teachers have an informative evening, where they let our parents know about what’s involved in Montessori and our daily activities. Outside of this, they can also chat to my teachers anytime they wish, if they have any questions or concerns.  I hope they will treasure my end of year school report!